from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from ..model.sources import FarField1DSourcePlacement
from ..utils.math import projm, vec
from .core import ensure_covariance_size, ensure_n_resolvable_sources
def f_nll_stouc(R, array, sources, wavelength, p, sigma):
# log|S| + tr(S^{-1} R)
# S = A P A^H + sigma * I
A = array.steering_matrix(sources, wavelength)
S = (A * p) @ A.conj().T + sigma * np.eye(array.size)
sgn, logdet = np.linalg.slogdet(S)
if sgn < 0 or logdet < 0:
return np.Inf
return logdet + np.trace(np.linalg.solve(S, R))
[docs]class CovarianceBasedMLEstimator(ABC):
"""Abstract base class for covariance based maximum-likelihood estimators.
array (~doatools.model.arrays.ArrayDesign): Sensor array design.
wavelength (float): Wavelength of the carrier wave.
def __init__(self, array, wavelength):
self._array = array
self._wavelength = wavelength
self._estimates = None
[docs] def get_last_estimates(self):
"""Retrieves the last estimates of source locations."""
if self._estimates is None:
raise RuntimeError('No estimation has been performed yet.')
# Returns a copy.
return self._estimates[:]
[docs] def get_max_resolvable_sources(self):
"""Returns the maximum number of sources resolvable.
This default implementation returns (array size - 1), which is suitable
for most ML based estimators because the projection matrix of the
steering matrix is not well-defined when the number of sources is
greater than or equal to the number of sensors.
return self._array.size - 1
def _eval_nll(self, x, R, k):
"""Evaluates the negative log-likelihood function for the given input.
x (~numpy.ndarray): A vector consisting of the variables being
optimized (e.g. DOAs, source powers, noise variance, etc.). The
first k*d elements of x are always for source locations,
where d is 1 for 1D sources and 2 for 2D sources. The remaining
elements of x correspond to other unknown parameters (such as
source powers, noise variance, etc.).
R (~numpy.ndarray): The sample covariance matrix.
k (int): The number of sources.
During the optimization process, the current estimation of the
source locations is stored in ``self._estimates``.
``self._estimates`` is first initialized when :meth:`estimate` is
called, and then reused and modified in-placed during the
optimization process. How ``self._estimates`` is updated from the
current ``x`` is determined by :meth:`update_estimates_from_x`.
float: A real number, the value of the negative log-likelihood
function for the given input.
raise NotImplementedError()
def _prepare_opt_prob(self, sources0, R):
"""Prepares the optimization problem.
More specifically, this method
1. Constructs the objective function.
2. Creates the starting point ``x0``.
3. Determines the bounds for the variables.
4. Precompute other required data and update relevant fields.
The first k*d elements of ``x0`` should correspond to the source
location estimates, where d is 1 for 1D sources and 2 for 2D sources.
The default implementation assumes that ``x0`` consists of only
the source locations. This is not necessarily true for every ML-based
optimization problems.
sources0 (~doatools.model.sources.SourcePlacement): The initial
guess of the source locations. Usually obtained from other
less accurate estimators.
R (~numpy.ndarray): The sample covariance matrix.
tuple: A tuple of the following elements:
* f (:class:``): The objective function.
* x0 (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): The starting point for the ML-based
optimization problem, whose size is equal to the number of
variables in the optimization problem.
* bounds (List[[float, float]]): A list of 2-element tuples
representing the bounds for the variables.
k = sources0.size
# Delegate the call to self.eval_nll
f = lambda x : self._eval_nll(x, R, k)
# Simply flatten the source location array:
# x0 = [\theta_{11} \theta_{12} ... \theta_{1d} \theta{21} ...]
# For instance, for far-field 2D sources
# x0 = [az1 el1 az2 el2 ...]
x0 = sources0.locations.copy().flatten()
# Bounds for the source locations.
# Must correspond to the ordering of the elements in x0.
bounds = list(sources0.valid_ranges) * k
return f, x0, bounds
def _update_estimates_from_x(self, x):
"""Updates the current source location estimates from ``x``.
The default implementation reshapes the first k*d elements in ``x``
into a k by d matrix and assign it to ``self._estimates.locations``,
where k is the number of sources and d is the number of dimensions of
source locations.
n = self._estimates.locations.size
def _eval_steering_matrix_from_x(self, x):
"""Evaluates the steering matrix from ``x``.
The default implementation first calls :meth:`update_estimates_from_x`
to update ``self._estimates`` and then use it to evaluate the steering
return self._array.steering_matrix(
self._estimates, self._wavelength,
[docs] def estimate(self, R, sources0, **kwargs):
r"""Solves the ML problem for the given inputs.
R (~numpy.ndarray): The sample covariance matrix.
sources0 (~doatools.model.sources.SourcePlacement): The initial
guess of source locations. Its type determines the source type
and its size determines the number of sources.
Because the log-likelihood function is highly non-convex, the
initial guess of source locations will greatly affect the final
estimates. It is recommended to use the output of another
estimator (e.g. conventional beamformer) as the initial guess.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the solver.
In general, ML estimates are computationally expensive to obtain
and sensitive to initialization. They are generally used in
theoretical performance analyses.
tuple: A tuple containing the following elements:
* resolved (:class:`bool`): ``True`` if the optimizer exited
successfully. This flag does **not** guarantee that the estimated
source locations are correct. The estimated source locations may
be completely wrong!
If resolved is False, ``estimates`` will be ``None``.
* estimates (:class:`~doatools.model.sources.SourcePlacement`):
A :class:`~doatools.model.sources.SourcePlacement` instance of the
same type as that of ``sources0``, represeting the estimated
source locations. Will be ``None`` if resolved is ``False``.
ensure_n_resolvable_sources(sources0.size, self.get_max_resolvable_sources())
ensure_covariance_size(R, self._array)
# Make a copy of the initial guess as a working variable for the
# optimization process.
# This is reused and modified in-place during the optimization process
# to avoid repeatedly creating new SourcePlacement instances.
self._estimates = sources0[:]
# Use scipy for numerical optimization.
# Subclasses should override this implementation if there exists faster
# optimization approaches.
obj_func, x0, bounds = self._prepare_opt_prob(sources0, R)
res = minimize(
obj_func, x0,
if res.success:
return True, self.get_last_estimates()
return False, None
[docs]class AMLEstimator(CovarianceBasedMLEstimator):
r"""Asymptotic maximum-likelihood (AML) estimator.
The AML estimator maximizes the following log-likelihood function:
.. math::
- \log\det \mathbf{S} - \mathrm{tr}(\mathbf{S}^{-1} \mathbf{R})
where :math:`\mathbf{S} = \mathbf{A}\mathbf{P}\mathbf{A}^H + \sigma^2\mathbf{I}`,
:math:`\mathbf{A}` is the steering matrix, :math:`\mathbf{P}` is the source
covariance matrix, :math:`\sigma^2` is the noise variance, and
:math:`\hat{\mathbf{R}}` is the sample covariance matrix.
Here the unknown parameters include the source locations,
:math:`\mathbf{P}`, and :math:`\sigma^2`. The MLE of :math:`\mathbf{P}` and
:math:`\sigma^2` can be analytically obtained in terms of the source
locations. The final optimization problem only involves the source
locations, :math:`\mathbf{\theta}`, as unknown variables:
.. math::
\min_{\mathbf{\theta}} \log\det\left\lbrack
\mathbf{P}_{\mathbf{A}} \hat{\mathbf{R}} \mathbf{P}_{\mathbf{A}}
+ \frac{
\mathrm{tr}(\mathbf{P}^\perp_{\mathbf{A}} \hat{\mathbf{R}})
[1] H. L. Van Trees, Optimum array processing. New York: Wiley, 2002.
def _eval_nll(self, x, R, k):
# See 8.6.1 of the following:
# * H. L. Van Trees, Optimum array processing. New York: Wiley, 2002.
m = self._array.size
A = self._eval_steering_matrix_from_x(x)
# Projection matrix of A
PA = projm(A, True)
# Null projection matrix of A
PPA = np.eye(m) - PA
# Computing NLL
H = PA @ R @ PA + np.trace(PPA @ R) / (m - k) * PPA
# Force Hermitian
H += H.conj().T
H *= 0.5
sgn, nll_val = np.linalg.slogdet(H)
if sgn <= 0:
return np.Inf
return nll_val
[docs]class CMLEstimator(CovarianceBasedMLEstimator):
r"""Conditional maximum-likelihood (CML) estimator.
Given the conditional observation model (the source signals are assumed to
be deterministic unknown):
.. math::
\mathbf{y}(t) = \mathbf{A}(\mathbf{\theta})\mathbf{x}(t) + \mathbf{n}(t),
t = 1,2,...,T,
the CML estimator maximizes the following log-likelihood function:
.. math::
- TM\log\sigma^2
- \sigma^{-2} \sum_{t=1}^T
\| \mathbf{y}(t) - \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}(t) \|^2,
where :math:`M` is the number of sensors, :math:`T` is the number of
snapshots, :math:`\mathbf{A}` is the steering matrix, :math:`\sigma^2` is
the noise variance.
Here the unknown parameters include the source locations,
:math:`\mathbf{\theta}`, as well as :math:`\mathbf{x}(t)` and
:math:`\sigma^2`. With further computations, it can be shown that the final
optimization problem only involves the source locations:
.. math::
\mathrm{tr}(\mathbf{P}^\perp_{\mathbf{A}} \hat{\mathbf{R}}),
:math:`\hat{\mathbf{R}} = 1/T \sum_{t=1}^T \mathbf{x}(t)\mathbf{x}^H(t)`.
[1] H. L. Van Trees, Optimum array processing. New York: Wiley, 2002.
def _eval_nll(self, x, R, k):
# See 8.5.2 of the following:
# * H. L. Van Trees, Optimum array processing. New York: Wiley, 2002.
# tr(P^\perp_A R)
A = self._eval_steering_matrix_from_x(x)
PPA = np.eye(self._array.size) - projm(A, True)
return np.real(np.trace(PPA @ R))
[docs]class WSFEstimator(CovarianceBasedMLEstimator):
r"""Weighted subspace fitting (WSF) estimator.
WSF is based on the CML estimator, with the objective function given by
.. math::
where :math:`\hat{\mathbf{U}}_\mathrm{s}` consists of the eigenvectors of
the signal subspace of :math:`\hat{\mathbf{R}}`, and
:math:`\hat{\mathbf{W}}` is a diagonal matrix consists of asymptotically
optimal weights.
[1] M. Viberg and B. Ottersten, "Sensor array processing based on
subspace fitting," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 39,
no. 5, pp. 1110-1121, May 1991.
[2] H. L. Van Trees, Optimum array processing. New York: Wiley, 2002.
[3] P. Stoica and K. Sharman, "Maximum likelihood methods for
direction-of-arrival estimation," IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal
Process., vol. 38, pp. 1132-1143, July 1990.
def _prepare_m(self, sources0, R):
"""Prepare the M matrix used in the optimization."""
k = sources0.size
# Pre-calculate optimal weights
v, E = np.linalg.eigh(R)
# Signal subspace
Es = E[:,-k:]
vs = v[-k:]
# Noise variance estimate
sigma_est = np.sum(v[:-k]) / (self._array.size - k)
# Asymptotically optimal weights
vt = vs - sigma_est
w = vt * vt / vs
# M = Es diag(w) Es^H
self._M = (Es * w) @ Es.conj().T
def _prepare_opt_prob(self, sources0, R):
self._prepare_m(sources0, R)
return super()._prepare_opt_prob(sources0, R)
def _eval_nll(self, x, R, k):
# See 8.5.3 of the following:
# * H. L. Van Trees, Optimum array processing. New York: Wiley, 2002.
A = self._eval_steering_matrix_from_x(x)
PPA = np.eye(self._array.size) - projm(A, True)
# tr(P^\perp_A M)
return np.real(np.trace(PPA @ self._M))