Source code for doatools.plotting.plot_spectrum

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm

def _normalize_by_maximum(x):
    max_x = x.max()
    if max_x > 0:
        return x / max_x
        return x

def _build_spectrum_list(sp, grid):
    Preprocesses the spectrum input and convert it into a list of tuples, where
    the first element in the tuple is the numpy array and the second element is
    the label. Also outputs the dimension of the spectrum.
    if isinstance(sp, np.ndarray):
        sp_list = [(sp, '')]
    elif isinstance(sp, list) or isinstance(sp, tuple):
        sp_list = [(s, '') for s in sp]
    elif isinstance(sp, dict):
        sp_list = [(v, k) for k, v in sp.items()]
        raise ValueError('Unsupported spectrum data input.')
    if len(sp_list) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Expecting at least on spectrum.')
    for t in sp_list:
        if t[0].shape != grid.shape:
            raise ValueError('The shape of the spectrum, {0}, does not match the search grid, {1}.'.format(t[0].shape, grid.shape))
    return sp_list

[docs]def plot_spectrum_1d(sp, grid, ax, estimates=None, ground_truth=None, use_log_scale=False, discrete=False): """Plots a 1D spectrum or multiple 1D spectra. Args: sp: Can be one of the following: 1. An :class:`~numpy.ndarray` representing the spectrum. Usually this is the output of a spectrum-based estimator. This function will draw a single spectrum. 2. A :class:`~list` or :class:`~tuple` of :class:`~numpy.ndarray` of the same shape. This function will draw multiple spectra in the same plot without labels. 3. A dictionary that maps labels to numpy arrays of the same shape. This function will draw multiple spectra in the same plot with labels. grid (~doatools.estimation.grid.SearchGrid): The search grid used to generate the spectrum/spectra. Its shape must match that of the spectrum/spectra. ax (~matplotlib.axes.Axes): The matplotlib axes that will be used for plotting. estimates (~doatools.model.sources.SourcePlacement): Estimated source locations. Will be plotted if supplied. Default value is ``None``. ground_truth (~doatools.model.sources.SourcePlacement): True source locations. Will be plotted if supplied. Default value is ``None``. use_log_scale (bool): Sets whether the spectrum should be plotted in logarithmic scale. Default value is ``False``. discrete (bool): Sets whether the spectrum should be visualized using stem plots instead of line plots. Default value is ``False``. Returns: list: A list of plot containers with the following structure: ``[sp1, sp2, ..., spN, est, truth]``, where ``sp1``, ``sp2``, ..., ``spN`` are the plot containers of the spectra, ``est`` is the plot container of the estimates, and ``truth`` is the plot container of the ground truth. """ # Preprocess the sp input sp_list = _build_spectrum_list(sp, grid) x = grid.axes[0] has_legend = False # 'C3' and 'C2' are reserved for estimates and ground truth color_estimates = 'C3' color_truth = 'C2' color_cycle = ['C0', 'C1', 'C4', 'C5', 'C6', 'C7', 'C8', 'C9'] plot_containers = [] # Plot every spectrum if discrete and use_log_scale: ax.set_yscale('log') for i, (spectrum, label) in enumerate(sp_list): color = color_cycle[i % len(color_cycle)] y = _normalize_by_maximum(spectrum) if len(label) > 0: has_legend = True if discrete: container_sp = ax.stem(x, y, '-', markerfmt=' ', basefmt=' ', label=label) plt.setp(container_sp, color=color) plot_containers.append(container_sp) else: if use_log_scale: plot_containers.append(plt.semilogy(x, y, '-', label=label, color=color)) else: plot_containers.append(plt.plot(x, y, '-', label=label, color=color)) # Plot estimates if estimates is not None: if estimates.units != grid.units: raise ValueError('The unit of estimates does not match that of the search grid.') x_est = estimates.locations y_est = np.ones(x_est.shape) container_est = ax.stem(x_est, y_est, '--', markerfmt='x', basefmt=' ', label='Estimates') plt.setp(container_est, color=color_estimates) plot_containers.append(container_est) has_legend = True # Plot ground truth if ground_truth is not None: if ground_truth.units != grid.units: raise ValueError('The unit of ground truth does not match that of the search grid.') x_truth = ground_truth.locations y_truth = np.ones(x_truth.shape) container_truth = ax.stem(x_truth, y_truth, '--', markerfmt='o', basefmt=' ', label='Ground truth') plt.setp(container_truth, color=color_truth) plot_containers.append(container_truth) has_legend = True # Set up x-axis ax.set_xlabel('{0}/{1}'.format(grid.axis_names[0], grid.units[0])) ax.margins(x=0) # Set up y-axis if not use_log_scale: ax.set_ylim((0, plt.ylim()[1])) ax.set_ylabel('Normalized spectrum') # Show the legend. if has_legend: ax.legend() return plot_containers
[docs]def plot_spectrum_2d(sp, grid, ax, estimates=None, ground_truth=None, use_log_scale=False, swap_axes=False, color_map='jet'): """Plots a 2D spectrum. Args: sp (~numpy.ndarray): A 2D ndarray representing the spectrum. grid (~doatools.estimation.grid.SearchGrid): The search grid used to generate the spectrum. Its shape must match the shape of ``sp``. ax (~matplotlib.axes.Axes): The matplotlib axes that will be used for plotting. estimates (~doatools.model.sources.SourcePlacement): Estimated source locations. Will be plotted if supplied. Default value is ``None``. ground_truth (~doatools.model.sources.SourcePlacement): True source locations. Will be plotted if supplied. Default value is ``None``. use_log_scale (bool): Sets whether the spectrum should be plotted in logarithmic scale. Default value is ``False``. swap_axes (bool): Set to ``True`` to swap the x and y axis when plotting. Default value is ``False``. color_map: Specifies the color map. Default value is ``'jet'``. Returns: list: A list of plot containers with the following structure: ``[sp, est, truth]``, where ``sp1`` is the plot containers of the spectrum, ``est`` is the plot container of the estimates, and ``truth`` is the plot container of the ground truth. """ if sp.shape != grid.shape: raise ValueError('The shape of the spectrum, {0}, does not match the search grid, {1}.'.format(sp.shape, grid.shape)) # Note that columns -> x, rows -> y by default if swap_axes: ind_x, ind_y = 1, 0 else: ind_x, ind_y = 0, 1 sp = sp.T axes = grid.axes axis_names = grid.axis_names units = grid.units has_legend = False x, y = axes[ind_x], axes[ind_y] x_label = '{0}/{1}'.format(axis_names[ind_x], units[ind_x]) y_label = '{0}/{1}'.format(axis_names[ind_y], units[ind_y]) plot_args = { 'extent': (x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()), 'origin': 'lower', 'cmap': color_map, 'aspect': 'auto' } containers = [] if use_log_scale: plot_args['norm'] = LogNorm() containers.append(ax.imshow(sp, **plot_args)) plt.colorbar(containers[0], ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) if estimates is not None: if estimates.units != grid.units: raise ValueError('The unit of estimates does not match that of the search grid.') containers.append(ax.scatter( estimates.locations[:, ind_x], estimates.locations[:, ind_y], marker='o', edgecolors='k', facecolors='none', label='Estimates')) has_legend = True if ground_truth is not None: if ground_truth.units != grid.units: raise ValueError('The unit of ground truth does not match that of the search grid.') containers.append(ax.scatter( ground_truth.locations[:, ind_x], ground_truth.locations[:, ind_y], marker='+', c='k', label='Ground truth')) has_legend = True if has_legend: ax.legend() return containers
[docs]def plot_spectrum(sp, grid, ax=None, figsize=None, estimates=None, ground_truth=None, use_log_scale=False, **kwargs): """Plots the given spectrum/spectra. Provides a convenient way to plot the given spectrum/spectra. Automatically selects the plot function based on input grid's number of dimensions. Args: sp: Compatible spectrum (or spectra collection) input. grid (~doatools.estimation.grid.SearchGrid): The search grid used to generate the spectrum/spectra. Its shape must match that of the spectrum/spectra supplied in ``sp``. ax (~matplotlib.axes.Axes): The matplotlib axes used for plotting. If not specified, a new figure will be created and shown. Default value is ``None``. figsize (tuple): If ``ax`` is ``None``, specifies the new figure's size. estimates (~doatools.model.sources.SourcePlacement): Estimated source locations. Will be plotted if supplied. Default value is ``None``. ground_truth (~doatools.model.sources.SourcePlacement): True source locations. Will be plotted if supplied. Default value is ``None``. use_log_scale (bool): Sets whether the spectrum should be plotted in logarithmic scale. Default value is ``False``. **kwargs: Other compatible options depending on the number of dimensions of the input grid. See :meth:`plot_spectrum_1d` and :meth:`plot_spectrum_2d` for more details. Returns: tuple: A tuple consists of the following elements: * ax (:class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`): The axes object containing the plot. * containers (:class:`~list`): A list of plot containers. See :meth:`plot_spectrum_1d` and :meth:`plot_spectrum_2d` for more details. """ if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) new_plot = True else: new_plot = False if grid.ndim == 1: ret = plot_spectrum_1d(sp, grid, ax, estimates, ground_truth, use_log_scale, **kwargs) elif grid.ndim == 2: ret = plot_spectrum_2d(sp, grid, ax, estimates, ground_truth, use_log_scale, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError() if new_plot: return ax, ret